Dog Owners Pest Control, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers
Pest control for dog owners is essential in Arizona. Not only is Arizona a hotbed for crickets, roaches, scorpions, ants, flies and other bugs, but dog poop and dog food in the yard, in the home or on the patio attracts bugs and other pests. Arrowhead Pooper Scoopers is a licensed pest control company that offers monthly exterior pest control services to kill bugs and pests such as crickets, roaches, scorpions, ants and flies before they enter. Our dog owners pest control services are designed to kill the bugs and pests BEFORE they enter your home – at the exterior ...

Dead Dog Removal, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers
We Can Help with Your Dead Dog Removal Life can be challenging, especially when our beloved pets pass away. They aren’t just pets, but are members of our family and discarding them like trash would be unthinkable for most. We can help pick up and remove your dead dog or dead cat when the time comes, and can take care of their after life care, including cremation. You don’t have to try to figure out on your own what to do when your dog dies or cat dies, we already have the answers and solutions. Call us at 602-391-0160 or ...

How to Dispose of a Dead Dog, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers
We love our dogs and we treat them like family and this is just one of the reasons we hate to see them grow old, and then eventually die. As difficult as this might be to read, it’s something we should all understand if we choose to own and love a dog. In this post we’re going to discuss what one should do once their dog has died. It’s also important to know what to do if you find a dog deceased on the road, or near your home. We’ll also discuss what to do when your dog dies at ...

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers
Cruelty to animals is something that is stressed all year long, as it should be, but April is the month where the most emphasis is put on something that should never happen to dogs, cats, or animals to begin with. That’s why April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month, a time when she should stop and take a moment to think about how we treat all creatures, both great, and small. And while we are separate from animals this doesn’t justify being cruel to them. It’s our responsibility to speak up when we see injustice being carried out to ...

Euthanasia, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers
There is probably no more difficult question than whether or not to euthanize a cherished companion animal. Yet when the quality of life for your pet has deteriorated, when your pet is suffering, or when costs of tests and treatments are prohibitive, euthanasia may be the most loving and humane choice for you and your pet. COMING TO A DECISION Just because your pet has been diagnosed with a terminal illness may not be reason enough to resort to euthanasia. Depending on the stage and severity of your pet’s illness or injury, and the resources you have available, you and ...

Pet Emergencies That Require Immediate Attention, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers
Throughout the past several weeks we’ve talked about animal emergencies and what to do if one should happen to take place. We talked about supplies you should keep in your first aid kit, we talked about the Heimlich maneuver, and how to perform it on dogs, both big and small, and we even gave you links for pet safety classes near you. Today we are going to share with you animal emergencies that should never be ignored. As a reminder, a pet emergency is something that requires attention from your veterinarian. The care you give your dog or cat is ...

Pet First Aid, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers
April is Pet First Aid month and so far we’ve brought you articles on things to look for in a pet emergency including Heatstroke as well as Poisoning. We also gave you a refresher article on how to put together a pet first aid kit as well as tips on how to use the items that are in your kit. In this post however, we’ll talk about skills you might need in order to save the life of your pet before you’re able to reach the veterinarian. Oh, and as a reminder, the care you give your pet in case of ...

Cane Corso — The Protector Breed, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers
The Cane Corso, or Italian Mastiff, is a large breed of dog that was once highly valued in Rome where the Greeks bred them to be guard dogs. They were also quite popular in Italy where Italians would use them as companions, guard dogs, and hunters. Their name, Cane Corso, is pronounced kah-neh kor-so,and it’s derived from the Italian word, cane, meaning dog, and corso, which in Latin, means protector. For centuries the Cane Corso lived on farms and in pastures throughout Italy but because of economic and political woes, the breed nearly vanished during the middle of the ...

Fence and Gate Maintenance, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers
As a dog owner you know how important is to keep your dog safe and secure within the confines of your yard. Yes, dogs do jump fences, and yes, they do dig holes, but by having a fence, you lower the opportunity for your dog to roam the neighborhood. And while having a fence is important, it’s just as important to maintain your fence, as well as your gate. Today we will share some important tips on how to make sure both of these items are always in tip-top shape. Gates and Hinges Ensure that gates and hinges always work ...

Maintaining a Clean Yard, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers
As an Arizona dog owner you do your best to maintain a clean and beautiful lawn but at the same time you know how difficult it is to do. Between your work and your children you have a lot of responsibility and sometimes things get overlooked. At Arrowhead Scoopers and PoopRemoval.com were here to tell you that with our help, your lawn will be free of landmines all year round, but there’s a catch…we’ll need your help to find those landmines, each and every time we pay a visit to your home. Today we’re going to share some helpful tips ...

The Louisiana Dog- Catahoula Leopards, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers
Cataholua is of Choctaw origin and loosely translated, means “Sacred Lake. The Cathoula Leopard Dog is also the only dog that is said to originate in the State of Louisiana. They are said to come from the northern part of Louisiana, near Catahoula Lake, hence the name, Catahoula Leopard Dog. It’s said that the Catahoula is a cross between the Bloodhound, the Mastiff, and the Greyhound that were all brought to Louisiana by Spanish Explorers. They were once used to track wild hogs that invaded the forests of northern Louisiana which gave the nickname “Hog Dog.” In 1976, The ...