
Pet Emergencies That Require Immediate Attention, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

Throughout the past several weeks we’ve talked about animal emergencies and what to do if one should happen to take place. We talked about supplies you should keep in your first aid kit, we talked about the Heimlich maneuver, and how to perform it on dogs, both big and small, and we even gave you links for pet safety classes near you.

Today we are going to share with you animal emergencies that should never be ignored. As a reminder, a pet emergency is something that requires attention from your veterinarian. The care you give your dog or cat is never a substitution for the care that your veterinarian is able to provide given their level of training. That being said, here is our list of emergencies that require immediate attention:

  • Bleeding

You’ve wrapped your pets wound in gauze several times and the bleeding won’t stop. If it’s been going on for five minutes or your pet has appeared to lose a lot of blood, then it’s time to seek medical attention.

  • Choking

You notice your dog ate something that he shouldn’t have and now he’s not breathing. Even if you dislodge the item on your own, call your veterinarian to check for brain damage or injury to your dogs’ esophagus.

  • Bleeding from nose, mouth or rectum

Bleeding from the nose signifies the possibility that your dog is suffering from trauma to his nose or he may have an upper respiratory infection. If your dog is bleeding from the mouth it might be coming from his teeth or gums but he may need to be put under to determine the cause of injury, if any, at all. Dogs that bleed from the rectum are usually constipated but it’s best to make an appointment just to be on the safe side.

  • The Inability to Pee or Poop

If your dog is not able to pee or poop it may be due to the fact that there is a blockage in his urethra. He might also have a urinary tract infection or a blockage in his digestive tract.

  • Eye Injuries

As a pet owner you want to do everything you can to save the eyesight of your pet. Whether it’s due to a fight with another animal or an injury while out in the yard, don’t try to fix this one on your own.

  • Poisoning

We’ve talked about pet poisoning many times on our post. If your dog has eaten something, like CHOCOLATE, or he found the antifreeze in the garage, time is of the essence. All things poisonous to both cats and dogs’ should be put out of reach of nosy paws, and noses.

  • Seizure

Try to keep your dog safe during a seizure. Never put anything inside his mouth that he might choke on, but clear the area around him until the seizure has passed. Once he has stopped seizing be sure to make your way to the veterinarian right away.

  • Fractures

If your pet appears to have a fracture somewhere on his or her body and he or she is unable to move their leg(s) then you need to bring them in for an evaluation. One, you don’t want your pet to be in pain, and two, the sooner you get there, the more likely it is that the limb will be saved.

  • Pain

Pain may accompany Number 8, but it could also be caused by another reason. Even though your dog won’t be able to tell you that he’s in pain, it should be obvious by his body language.

  • Heat stroke

Never leave your dog alone in a car or in the yard without adequate shelter from the sun. If you notice your dog might be suffering from heatstroke, take his temperature. You can try cooling his body temperature before taking him to the veterinarian or if you feel more comfortable, call and let them know your dog is overheated and needs to been seen.

  • Severe Vomiting or Diarrhea

Dogs aren’t picky about what they put into their mouths and vomiting once or twice is usually not a big deal but if it persists for more than twenty-four hours you’ll want to bring your dog or cat in for medical treatment. The same applies in the case of diarrhea. If you notice signs or symptoms of anything else listed above, consider it a medical emergency and plan to act fast.

  • Refusal to drink

Pets that refuse to drink water might be dehydrated, that may be suffering from a urinary tract infection or they might just be old. If it’s been more than twenty-four hours since you last saw your pet drink, be sure to call your veterinarian.

  • Your Pet is Unconscious

If you find your pet unconscious this is of course, an immediate emergency. If it’s after hours and your veterinarian is closed you will need to head to the nearest emergency clinic. Don’t drive alone, have someone with you so that you can remain calm and focused.

Whatever the emergency always have your emergency numbers on hand so you know who to call during business hours, as well as after hours. Don’t hesitate to call and make an appointment because you could very well save the life of your pet.

Today we would like to thank www.avma.orgfor helping us with this post. Be sure to visit their site to learn pet care tips from the experts in the veterinary field.

This post has been brought to you today by Arrowhead Scoopers. Arrowhead is the leading pet waste removal service in the West Phoenix area, including Glendale, Peoria, and Surprise. Give us a call today at (602) 391-0160 to receive your free quote. Our rates start at just $11.00 per week. Be sure to visit our website, www.arrowheadscoopers.comto view customer reviews and more! Happy Tails!
