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Dog Emergencies!, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

Dogs aren’t picky when it comes to putting things in their mouths. They’ll ingest almost anything which often leads to occasional diarrhea. Diarrhea, however, might also signify a more serious health problem that might require the attention of a veterinarian. WHAT TO LOOK FOR (OR WHAT YOU MIGHT SEE) Loose stools are a primary sign that your dog has diarrhea. He might also vomit or not feel like eating. He might lose weight and feel tired. CAUSES If your dog is healthy and develops diarrhea he’s probably eaten something that’s making him sick. It could also be sign of stress ...

cats cat food

Dangerous Foods for Cats, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

In this blog we often discuss dogs, dangers to dogs, dog poop, and other issues related to dogs. In today’s post we are going to talk about cats. Certain foods are dangerous or deadly to dogs, but cats are sensitive too. Foods that pose no danger to humans are often deadly to cats. If not deadly, they can cause digestive issues such as loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. These are the foods that your cat should avoid: ALCOHOL Cats, like humans, are capable of drinking too much alcohol, causing them to appear drunk. In cats however, liver damage and ...

puppy mill

Downfall of the Puppy Mill, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

California has become the first state to ban the sale of animals that are born and bred in puppy mills. California Governor Jerry Brown signed this law on Friday October 13, 2017. It requires pet stores to work with animal shelters or rescues if they wish to sell dogs, cats and rabbits. The law however, does not apply to private breeders who will still be able to sell animals directly to the public. The state measure, AB485, ensures better treatment of animals that often live in deplorable, dirty, conditions. These animals are over bred and kept in cramped cages. They ...

types of dog poop

What You Might Learn From Dog Poop, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

Having dogs means cleaning up dog poop. Out of all of the things we must do around the house, and in the yard, picking up dog poop is the least favorite of all our chores. We’ve talked about dog poop before and how important it is to keep your yard clean—today we’ll talk about looking at your dogs’ poop. Yes, examining your dogs poop can tell you a lot about your dog. From the color of his poop to the consistency of what he leaves behind, we hope you learn something. After that, we hope you call Arrowhead Scoopers to ...

paid sick leave dog

Paid Sick Leave for Dog Owners, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

A woman in Italy recently asked her employer for paid sick leave in order to care for her dog. She told her boss her dog was “family” and the woman’s request was granted. The woman is an employee at Sapienza University in Rome and she lives alone with her dogs. She needed to take time off work in order to bring one of her dogs to the veterinarian for surgery. When “Anna” originally approached her employer and requested time off, she said the leave was documented as holiday pay. She became angry and decided to contact an animal advocacy group ...

dog meal time

What Time Do You Feed Your Dog?, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

Some pet parents keep their dogs on a strict schedule. They feed them the same amount of food twice a day, once in the morning, and once in the evening. No more, no less. Other pet parents might allow their dogs to graze all day, and that’s all right, as well. When it comes to feeding our dogs, there is no right or wrong answer. In fact, there are several ways to feed your dog and still keep him healthy. These are the top three: #1) LET YOUR DOG CHOOSE HIS MEAL TIME– You might want to let your dog ...

dog allergy allergies

Does Your Dog Have Allergies?, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

Recently while watching Jeopardy a contestant was asked about his dog, a dog that suffered from a strange allergy. A blood test at the veterinarian determined that the dog was allergic to human dander—yes—he was allergic to his owner. The dog was started on monthly allergy shots and now everyone, both dog and human, can coexist in peace and harmony. It’s rare for dogs to be allergic to humans, but yes, it is possible. Humans like dogs, shed dander. Dander is in our hair and on our skin. When this dander is released into the air, it creates the same ...

dog door

What Kind of Doggie Door Do You Need?, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

When it comes to outfitting your home with a dog door/cat door you do have options. Doors for pets can be installed in a doorway, a window, or even a wall. Whatever your choice, your pets will enjoy a new found freedom and independence to come and go as they please. While it is possible to install a dog door yourself, you might be better off leaving it to the professionals, such as the experts at http://www.dogdoors.com. They’ll come to your home, give you an estimate and provide you with superior service, both before and after the sale. Before calling ...


Bringing Home a New Puppy!, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

It’s exciting to bring home a new puppy, but it’s a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Puppies are a big responsibility, a lifetime commitment. Before bringing home a new puppy, it’s important to make sure everyone in the family understands the commitment you are about to take on. Everyone should be included in this decision, and if just one person is hesitant, you might want to wait until everyone in the family is ready. It wouldn’t be fair to bring an animal into a home where it might not be wanted or accepted. Talk to your family first and ...

dog food aisle

Confusion In The Dog Food Aisle, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

If you’re a dog owner you know what it’s like when it’s time to buy dog food.  You’re surrounded by choices on both sides of the aisle and if you’re not loyal to one brand it can certainly be overwhelming. Today we’ll talk about different types of dog food, from wet, to dry, puppy to adult. Hopefully this will clear up any confusion you may have about what to feed your dog but if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian. PUPPY FOOD— Nearly every brand of dog food on the market has a line of food ...

yard grass mowing

Keeping Your Yard Clean For APS, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

As a responsible pet owner, and a reader of this blog, you already know how important it is to clean up after your dog. It’s not at the top of your to do list and it’s a chore that often gets overlooked. You’re not worried, however, because you called Arrowhead Pooper Scoopers. You scheduled your first appointment but you realize your yard is a mess. Toys are scattered across the lawn and it looks like the grass needs to be cut. I recently had a conversation with Edward Maznio, owner of Arrowhead Scoopers. This is what he wants customers to ...


Leptospirosis—A Danger to Dogs, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

In the past year more than 70 dogs in Maricopa County have been diagnosed with a type of bacteria, called Leptospirosis, or Lepto for short.  Experts are calling this an outbreak, and telling dog owners in the valley to carefully watch their dogs for any signs of the disease. WHAT IS LEPTOSPIROSIS? Leptospirosis is a type of bacteria that is spread through contaminated urine, and not necessarily from a dog. The urine could come from any infected animal, including rodents, wildlife, dogs, cats, and even livestock. It’s considered to be a disease that is zootonic. This means the disease is ...

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