Did you know that 40 percent of all dogs in the United States are considered overweight? That’s 17 million dogs to be exact. In just 30 minutes a day you and your dog could be on your way to living a longer and healthier life. Here is one way to get up and get going!
Wednesday, February 21, 2018 is officially known as ‘Walking the Dog Day!’ While the origin of ‘Walking the Dog Day’ is unknown the day was started by an animal lover who felt the need to get up off the couch and walk their dog
Whoever started the day must have been on to something because taking your dog for a walk is one the easiest things for one to participate in. It’s so easy, in fact, that all you need to do is make sure you’re comfortable in both your clothes and your shoes and that you’re ready for current weather conditions. Before you head out the door make sure you have water for you and your canine companion as well as poop bags to clean up after your pooch while out on your walk. Hook Once you clip on your dogs’ leash, you’re ready to go.
Starting your day with a walk is one of the best things that you can do for both you and your dog. When you talk a walk first thing in the morning you get your blood flowing and your heart rate going. Once you finish your walk, treat yourselves to a yummy breakfast or if you can, walk your dog to breakfast if he’s allowed on an outside patio.
Walking your dog is also a great way to bond with him/her. It allows you to connect while you explore your neighborhood or perhaps even a nearby park.
Dogs that are walked tend to be much calmer than those that aren’t walked on a regular basis. If your dog isn’t walked, he may become restless which tends to lend chaos to life at home, so please, allow your dog to exercise, even if it’s just at the dog park.
The best thing about walking your dog is that you can do it anywhere that dogs are allowed. You can walk down the street and you can stroll on the sand on the beach—the possibilities are endless as to where you and your dog can go—but please be respectful of where you walk.
Exercise is great for both humans and dogs and because dogs are social creatures, there is no telling who you might meet while you’re out and about!
You don’t own a dog? Ask your neighbor if you could take his or her dog for a walk or even consider volunteering at your local rescue where help is almost always appreciated!
This post has been brought to you today by http://www.walkyourdogweek.com. Please visit their website where you can pledge to walk your dog everyday to get your health, and the health of your dog back on track. When you visit their site you’ll also learn about nutrition and how it’s a big factor in how your dog looks and feels everyday of the week.
This post has been brought to you today by Arrowhead Scoopers. Arrowhead is the leading pet waste removal service in the West Phoenix area, including Glendale, Peoria, and Surprise. Give them a call today at (602) 391-0160 to receive your free quote. Rates start at just $11.00 per week. Visit their website at https://rockymountainpooperscoopers.com to view customer reviews and more! Happy Tails!