
The Truth About Canine Influenza, Peoria, AZ – Arrowhead Pooper Scoopers

Sick Puppy

One responsibility of dog ownership is making sure your dog receives his yearly vaccinations. One of those vaccinations most likely includes the vaccine for Canine Influenza. In this blog post we will talk about Canine Influenza and the health risks to your dog, if he were to become ill by catching this disease.

Cases of Canine Influenza

The first cases of Canine Influenza appeared in the United States in January of 2004. The American Veterinary Medicine Association, or the AVMA, www.amva.com,  discovered the first strain of Canine Influenza at a greyhound race track in Florida. The first strain of the illness was named H3N8 Influenza A.  Later that year, from June through August, outbreaks of the respiratory illness were reported at greyhound tracks in six states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kansas, Texas, and West Virginia.

In 2005 the disease continued to spread, this time reaching 20 greyhound tracks in 11 states. From January to May, cases were reported in: Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Texas, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Since the original outbreak in 2004, Canine Influenza has been reported in more than 40 states and in Washington D.C. as well.

A second strain of Canine Influenza was discovered in 2015, in Chicago. The second strain was called H3N2. The AVMA said the H3N2 strain found in Chicago was identical to a strain discovered in Asia, affecting dogs living in the countries of Korea, China, and Thailand.


This respiratory virus is highly contagious amongst dogs. Dogs that have a mild form of the disease will have a soft, wet cough. This cough will persist for ten to thirty days. Other symptoms include fever, loss of appetite, and tiredness. Your dog might also have discharge coming from his nose, stemming from a bacterial infection that often accompanies Canine Influenza.

Dogs that suffer from a more serious case of Canine Influenza may develop a very high fever and it may appear as though they have pneumonia.

All dogs are at risk of catching Canine Influenza so it’s important that you vaccinate your dog. If you plan to board your dog at a facility, or if your dog is frequently exposed to other dogs it’s even more crucial to have your dog vaccinated. There are vaccinations for both strains of Canine Influenza—some facilities only require one vaccination for boarding, while some require both. Check with your facility first to see what they require.

Transmission of Canine Influenza

Canine Influenza spreads between dogs when an infected dog sneezes, barks, or coughs. Sharing toys and food also puts other dogs at risk as well. If your dog shows any signs of illness, it’s best to clean everything your dog has come into contact with. Items such as shoes, clothing and hands should be cleaned and disinfected after exposure to an ill dog. This will cut down the risk of exposure to other dogs that are healthy and well.

While Canine Vaccine can be fatal, the mortality rate is less than 10%. If your dog does contract Canine Influenza, it is in the dogs’ best interest to be quarantined away from other dogs until he is free of the disease. Your veterinarian might prescribe an antibiotic to prevent further infection from occurring and they might suggest something for pain relieve as well.

It is not possible to transmit Canine Influenza from dog to human, so at this time, dog owners are not at risk of catching it. While humans are not at risk, other animals are. It is possible for dogs to infect cats, therefore, cat to cat transmission is possible.

For more tips on keeping your dog happy, healthy, and safe, keep reading our blog, at www.arrowheadscoopers.com. Call Arrowhead today at (602) 391- 0160 to receive your free pet waste removal quote. Arrowhead is the leading pet waste removal service in the greater Glendale, and greater Peoria, Arizona areas. Happy Tails!
