The History of Poop Scooping, Peoria, AZ – Arrowhead Pooper Scoopers

It may surprise you to know that poop scooping is a relatively new activity. Until the 20th century many dogs were outdoor animals primarily used for hunting and herding and it didn’t matter where their bathroom was located. Even after we moved our dogs inside and trained them to go outside, the waste was left to nature to dispose of. According to Michael Brandow, author of New York’s Poop Scoop Law: Dogs, the Dirt and Due Process,  “It was much worse to think of touching the stuff than stepping in it.”

But in 1970s New York City, picking up after your pet became a political issue. Pro poop scoopers felt like the amount of excrement on the sidewalks and in city areas was becoming a problem and they didn’t want to step in it. In 1978 a poop-scoop law went into effect much to the dismay of many dog owners. Those against the law were afraid the city would try to take away their fur babies or ban dogs in the city.  The ASPCA and other animal organizations were concerned it would cause dog owners to get rid of their pets. The issue devolved into a pro-and anti-dog battle.

Many other expensive or impractical solutions were proposed. Some suggested owners should train their dogs to go only over sewer drains or on paper in their bathrooms. Dog owners know why both of those solutions were not viable, not to mention the expense added to the Department of Sanitation to clean out sewer drains daily. Another proposal was to hire workers to clean up after dogs. That idea would have cost the city over a million dollars, not possible in the city’s cash-strapped budget.

Mayor Ed Koch finally took the debate to the state level and during hearings, an assemblyman demonstrated a unique device called the pooper scooper made of a bag on a stick that snapped shut. While at first, this invention caused some giggles, it eventually convinced lawmakers that it was possible to pass the law and not force people to bend over and pick up the poop by hand.

Just passing the law didn’t instantly solve the problem or stop the debate, however.  A massive public education campaign was started to change public perception and habit. It took a long time and lots of fighting, court cases and protests but eventually the law was tweaked and language clarified and New York City became the model for poop scooping laws across the country.

Now, decades later, both sides of the argument still exist. We know that leaving pet waste in our yards and streets is a health hazard, public nuisance and no one wants to step in it. But who wants to be the one to pick it up? It’s just gross, not to mention time consuming when you have a whole yard full.

Technology has caught up to poop scooping. A device being used at the Cosmo Dog Park in Gilbert, AZ has made poop scooping green. Energy Transformation Using Reactive Digestion, or E-TURD converts dog waste to electricity to power a light.  Created by graduate students at Arizona State University, this technology is a great alternative for public spaces. But at a set up cost of $25,000, it’s not an option for homeowners.

That’s where Arrowhead Pooper Scoopers can help. Arrowhead Pooper Scoopers Dog Waste Clean-up Service makes life easier for dog owners, with complete cleanup and removal of all dog poop from yards, kennels and dog runs, because you have better things to do with your time! Starting at just $10 a week! We serve most of the Phoenix west valley, including Glendale, Peoria, Sun City, Sun City West and Surprise, plus parts of west Phoenix. Call us at 602-391-0160 or visit our website or Facebook page for more information. Enjoy a clean, safe, pet waste free yard year round.
