Thanksgiving Day Dog Show, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

Thanksgiving Day in the United States is known for three holiday traditions—The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, turkey, and the National Dog Show.

This year the National Dog Show was broadcast from Philadelphia and sponsored by the Philadelphia Kennel Club. More than 193 breeds of dogs were divided up into seven groups for competition: Athletic Hounds, Herding Group, Working Group, Terrier Group, Toy Group, Sporting Group, and the Non Sporting Group. After the dogs are shown, one is chosen from each breed group and at the end of the show one dog will be named “Best in Show.”

Athletic Hounds—Originally bred for hunting, these dogs come in all shapes and sizes. Athletic breeds featured include:

Saluki— A strong, fearsome hunter

Pharaoh Hound— It’s said this breed of dog will blush, his nose turns red. This dog “Glows like a God.”

Whippet–Very greyhound like, athlete of the dog world

Rhodesian Ridgeback— The Ridgeback is a very serious dog distinguished by the ridge on his back.

Portuguese Podengo Pequeno— The Pequeno is a primitive breed known for its small size. It hunts by sight, scent and sound.

Treeing Walker Coonhound—Love getting out into the woods to hunt, great endurance, great desire to work

And the winner of the Athletic Hounds is…Whippet

Herding Group— Herding dogs move livestock, therefore they must be very athletic. Breeds include: German Shepherd, Rough Collie, Smooth Collie, Border Collie, Old English Sheepdog, Icelandic Sheepdog, Belgian Malinois, Bearded Collie, and the Pumi.

And the winner is…Old English Sheepdog

Working Group— Working group dogs are commonly called “Lunchbucket Dogs,” because they are bred to do a lot of work. They guard homes, livestock, and often work as police dogs.

Breeds featured in the working dog group include: Doberman, Black Russian, Rottlweiler, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Akita and the Boxer, just to name a few.

And the winner is: Portugese Water Dog

Terriers—Terrier breeds are a feisty breed. Their name means “go to ground,” meaning they are bred to go after something during a hunt. Terrier Breeds include: Airedale, Welsh, Lakeland, Wire Fox, Smooth Fox, Parson Russell, Kerry Blue, Manchester, Australian, Cairn, Scottish, and Mini Bull Terrier.

And the winner is: American Staffordshire Terrier

Toys: The toy breed is the smallest breed of dogs featured at the National Dog Show. This breed is perfect for someone who lives in the city. Toy breeds include: Chinese Crested, Pomeranian, Toy Fox Terrier, Miniature Pinscher, Havanese, Maltese, Shih tzu, Japanese Chin, Yorkshire Terrier, Pug, and Brussels Griffon

And the winner is: Brussels Griffon

Sporting Group— Sporting dogs make excellent family dogs but families need to realize that most dogs in this group require regular exercise. Breeds included in the Sporting Group include: Irish Setter, German Shorthaired Pointer, Weimeraner, Vizsla, Flat Coated Retriever, Labrador Retriever, Irish Water Spaniel and the Black Cocker Spaniel.

And the winner is: English Springer Spaniel

Non Sporting Group—Non Sporting dogs are known for their beauty, their color and their personality. Non Sporting Breeds include: Poodle, Bichon Frise, Dalmation, Shiba Inu, Lhasa Apso, Boston Terrier, French Bulldog, and the Chow Chow.

And the winner is: French Bulldog


Best in Show at the 2017 National Dog Show:



All of the information for this post was obtained while watching the National Dog Show on Thursday, November 23, 2017.

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