
The Good, Bad & Ugly on Pet Insurance – Peoria, AZ – Arrowhead Pooper Scoopers

Best-Pet Insurance-Comprehensive-Guide-for-2017According to a recent study by LendEDU, 25.59% of pet owners did not know that pet insurance exists. They also found that 83% of pet owners that do have pet insurance believe that the cost of insurance is worth it.
They created the ultimate guide to understanding pet insurance:
Our guide includes the following topics:
– What you can use pet insurance for
– What you can’t use pet insurance for
– Determining the costs and evaluating the different coverage options
– How to save money on your policy
– Full study & report (including the data above)

“If you’re like most pet owners, you feel as if there is nothing you wouldn’t do for your pet when they’re sick or injured. Rushing a sick pet down to the veterinarian’s office is instinctive, but it can also be very expensive.

Would you even hesitate paying a $2,000 bill with your pet lying on the table? What if you didn’t have $2,000 lying around? What would you be prepared to do?

Not willing to consider the unthinkable, an increasing number of American pet owners are turning to some of the best companies to cover the rising cost of veterinary care.

Since 1982, the pet insurance industry in the United States has grown by more than 10 percent annually, taking in about $550 million a year in premiums.

The growth in pet insurance premiums has coincided with the pace of veterinary costs, which keeps rising with the medical advancements in veterinary care. Yet, less than 1 percent of the country’s 174 million dogs and cats are covered under a policy.

In this guide on pet insurance, we help address these issues – providing a clear explanation of the best options, how they work, what they cover, what to look for in a policy, how much they cost, and whether they are actually worth the cost…”

Hope it helps you!
Arrowhead Pooper Scoopers of Peoria, Arizona is your advocate in pet care and ownership.  Call 602-391-0160 or visit PoopRemoval.com for a FREE Pooper Scooper Quote.