In this day and age, there is a holiday to celebrate everything, or a month to focus on something specific. This includes many pet holidays! For example, there is an entire week in April devoted to scooping up dog poop, but more on that later. There is a site online, that lists each and every reason to celebrate.
Just for fun, in August, pet holidays include:
August 1: DOGust (August) Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs
August 5: Work Like a Dog Day
August 10: Spoil Your Dog Day, National Lazy Day
August 17: National Black Cat Appreciation Day
August 22: National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day
August 26: National Dog Day
August 28: Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day
August 30: National Holistic Pet Day
If you decide to observe any of these pet “holidays” leave us a comment as to how you celebrated, or what you did. Happy Tails!