
National Cat Health Month, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

cat health

February is National Cat Health Month which means it’s time to give your cat that extra bit of love that they deserve! Now is a good time to make an appointment with your veterinarian in order to make sure that your cat is happy, healthy and safe at home, right where they belong! It’s also Pet Dental Health Month which means this is a good time to have your cat’s teeth examined and cleaned, all in the same visit.

As mentioned above, we love our cats. We love them so much that they now outrank the number of dogs owned right here in the United States. According to the newly published American Veterinary Medical Association US Pet Ownership and Demographic Sourcebook there are 82 million cats owned in the United States as compared to 71 million dogs.

As loyal cat owners we need to remember that the care of our cats is important and that it’s our responsibility to make sure they live long and healthy lives. We want them to be around to keep us company because we know how much we would miss them if we didn’t have them to love on every day.

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you are owned by your cat:


Illness in Cats

If you suspect that your cat might not be feeling well and not eating like he or she should you might want to try bringing out the cat treats. Your cat might be enticed by the sound and smell of the treats and it might just urge him to eat. If necessary, you might want to try feeding your cat by hand. If your cat still refuses to eat you may want to call your veterinarian to make an appointment, just to rule out any type of illness your cat might have. Cats that are ill or undergoing treatment might have a poor appetite. Ask your veterinarian if there is an alternative way to feed your cat in order to make sure he receives proper nutrition until he’s back on all four paws again.


Some cats have a favorite spot that they prefer to nap in. If you notice that your cat gravitates to one area for his naps, you might try giving him a soft place to lay his head.


Cats loved to be caressed and massaged and touching your cat has been found to be healing for both you, and your cat.


If you decide to adopt a new kitten be sure to kitten proof your home first. Make sure all wires are protected from tiny, sharp teeth and give your kitten a safe, quiet place to retreat if he feels overwhelmed. If you plan to buy toys for your kitten make sure they are safe for him to play with. Kittens are active and they need to be occupied in order to stay out of trouble.

The Litter Box

Kittens and cats are finicky when it comes to using the litter box. If you happen to notice your feline going outside the litter box it may be a sign of an illness, such as a bladder infection. Your cat may also stop using the litter box because he doesn’t like the cat litter you’re using. He also may eliminate outside the litter box if he shares the litter box with another cat. If this happens to be the case you’ll probably need to add an extra litter box to your house. Oh…don’t keep your litter box in the basement where it gets cold and dark. Make sure you place it someplace where your cat feels safe using the bathroom.

Today we would like to thank http://www.avma.org for helping us with this post. Be sure to visit their website for more helpful tips that will help you keep your cat happy and healthy for every one of his nine lives.

This post has been brought to you today by Arrowhead Scoopers. Arrowhead is the leading pet waste removal service in the West Phoenix area, including Glendale, Peoria and Surprise. Give them a call today at (602) 391-0160 to receive your free quote. Rates start at just $11.00 per week. Visit their website, https://rockymountainpooperscoopers.com to view customer reviews and more! Happy Tails!
