Today we’re going to play a quick game of TRUE or FALSE. We’ll tell you something about the health of your dog and we’ll give you an opportunity to decide whether it’s FACT or if it’s FICTION. Ready? Let’s play.
A Warm Nose is a Sign of a Sick Dog
FALSE— A warm nose is not a sign of a sick dog. How this myth began isn’t known but a warm nose was rumored to mean that a dog was ill with canine distemper. When a dog does have canine distemper he may experience a thickening of his nose, which causes a rise in temperature, which may lead to a warm nose. Why, then, if your dog isn’t sick, does he have a warm nose? Dogs have warm noses for several reasons, either they’re overheated, or it’s due to genetics. If you believe your dog might be sick, it’s best to observe him before jumping to conclusions. Watch how he behaves, eats and drinks, and don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian if you find yourself concerned.
Table Scraps Won’t Harm Your Dog
If you’ve been reading our blog for any length of time, you know this myth is false. We’ve written several posts about feeding your dog from high in fat, sodium and calories and your dog may become ill if he consumes scraps leftover from dinner. It’s okay to feed your dog foods like baked or boiled chicken, eggs, and leftover veggies, but avoid high fat foods such as ham and never, ever, feed your dog CHOCOLATE!
Dogs Need Yearly Vaccinations
Honestly, this is both true, and false, and here’s why
A yearly rabies vaccination is mandatory in nearly every state but the remainder of suggested vaccinations are merely that and should only be given to dogs that really need them.
When adopting or buying a puppy it’s important to make sure your new friend has a full set of core vaccinations. By doing so, you prevent your puppy from coming into contact with several highly fatal diseases, including the Parvovirus and Canine Distemper.
Some vaccinations, however, may not be necessary for all dogs. It all depends upon their lifestyle. Dogs that don’t come into contact with other dogs at day care or boarding may not need the canine influenza vaccination, or the bordetella vaccination. The vaccination for Leptosporsis, for example, should only be given to dogs that have been exposed to the disease. Leptosporsis, you may recall, is an often fatal disease that dogs contract when they come into contact with infected wildlife, or if they drink contaminated water.
If you aren’t sure whether or not to vaccinate your dog, be sure to ask your veterinarian what he or she recommends.
It’s All Right for Your Dog to Lick His Wounds
Did you say false? If you did, then you are correct!
Your dog won’t heal any quicker if you allow him to lick wounds or sores that he might have on his body. While there is some healing power to saliva, there is also danger lurking in your dogs’ mouth that might make the problem worse. A dogs’ mouth contains millions of bacteria that could lead to an infection.
When an incision is allowed to get wet, it irritates the wound, often making it worse and more difficult to treat. Licking may also remove stitches that have been placed there by your veterinarian.
It’s best to prevent your dog from licking or biting his wounds or stitches. If necessary, you may need to use an Elizabethan collar until your dog has healed.
Dogs Eat Grass to Vomit
We wrote a post late last year on dogs that eat grass and if you recall, this is also, False.
Dogs eat grass for a variety of reasons and it’s usually not because they’re sick. It’s part of their DNA, dating back to a time when they were undomesticated and ate whatever they could find. They also eat grass because they’re seeking nutrients they might not find in their diet. Don’t be too concerned if your dog eats grass unless you use pesticide or fertilizer on your lawn. If so, try to stop your dog from eating the grass as soon as you catch him in the act.
Only Old Dogs Suffer from Kidney Disease
This is false because kidney disease occurs in dogs of all ages. While it’s more likely to strike dogs of an advanced age, it’s been known to occur in younger dogs as well.
If you notice that your dog has been drinking an excessive amount of water or using the bathroom more than normal, he may be having a kidney issue. Call your veterinarian right away if you suspect your dog might be having trouble.
He or she should perform a urinalysis, a test that will determine how well your dogs’ kidneys concentrate urine, or they may even draw blood.
If left untreated, kidney disease in dogs is often fatal but if caught in time, prognosis is good for your dog. Treatment can begin right away which means your dog has good odds that he’ll continue to live a long and healthy life.
Today we would like to thank for helping us with this post. Be sure to visit their website to learn more about keeping your pet happy and healthy for life.
This post has been brought to you today by Arrowhead Scoopers. Arrowhead is the leading pet waste removal service in the West Phoenix area, including Glendale, Peoria, and Surprise. Give them a call today at (602) 391-0160 to receive your free quote. Rates start at just $11.00 per week. See their website, to view customer reviews and more. Happy Tails!