3 Reasons For Diligent Pet Waste Removal, Peoria, AZ – Arrowhead Pooper Scoopers

Family with Dog

Let’s face it, pet waste removal is a dirty job that no one wants to do. You may be tempted to ignore it. You definitely want someone else to do it. But ignoring it is never a good idea.  Pet waste can be dangerous for you and your pet. Here are 3 reasons to be diligent about pet waste removal.

  1. Control Disease: Feces can transmit several nasty diseases to pets and humans, including roundworms, hookworms, E. coli and Salmonella. Just one infected puppy can pass over a million roundworm eggs a day. Parvovirus and coronavirus can also be spread or contracted in an unclean yard.  All these diseases can be extremely harmful to your pets and your family. Dog waste also attracts flies that can bring the disease into your home. Arrowhead Pooper Scoopers offers sanitizing, disinfecting and deodorizing with our pet waste removal services.
  2. Make Your Yard More Usable: Summer is here and everyone wants to be outdoors. Kids are home from school and need a safe, clean place to play and back yard parties are on the calendar. Do yourself and your guests a favor and keep the poop scooped to prevent any unsavory mishaps and the dreaded doggie land mine tip toe.
  3. Prevent Stool Eating: While no one wants to think their precious little pooch would dare do something so heinous, the fact is, most dogs will eat their own poop at some point. It is especially common in puppies and younger dogs. And given what we just learned in #1, preventing this nasty habit is a must. Take away any temptation and clean it up.

So we’ve determined pet waste removal is a necessary task but you still don’t want to or have the time to do it. You are tired of fighting with your spouse and your kids about whose turn it is to clean up Fido’s messes. Why not call in the experts to do it for you.  Arrowhead Pooper Scoopers Dog Waste Clean-up Service makes life easier for dog owners, with complete cleanup and removal of all dog poop from yards, kennels and dog runs, because you have better things to do with your time! Starting at just $10 a week! We serve most of the Phoenix west valley, including Glendale, Peoria, Sun City, Sun City West and Surprise, plus parts of west Phoenix. Call us at 602-391-0160 or visit our website https://rockymountainpooperscoopers.com or Facebook page for more information. Enjoy a clean, safe, pet waste free yard year round.
