
Maintaining a Clean Yard, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

As an Arizona dog owner you do your best to maintain a clean and beautiful lawn but at the same time you know how difficult it is to do. Between your work and your children you have a lot of responsibility and sometimes things get overlooked. At Arrowhead Scoopers and PoopRemoval.com were here to tell you that with our help, your lawn will be free of landmines all year round, but there’s a catch…we’ll need your help to find those landmines, each and every time we pay a visit to your home. Today we’re going to share some helpful tips ...

Solving the Mystery: Chalky, White Poop, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

It’s uncommon for a dog to pass a stool that’s chalk like and white in color. In fact, it’s usually brown, or sometimes yellow, but rarely does it come out white. While there might not be anything wrong with your dog, you may need to make a few changes to ensure he continues to live a long and healthy life. Reasons for White Poop There is more than one reason your dog might have white poop. If you’ve left a pile in the yard, it might change color due to the fact that it’s been sitting in the sun too ...

5 Easy Lawn Care Tips for the Best 4th of July Cookout, Peoria, AZ – Arrowhead Pooper Scoopers

The Phoenix area has seen record breaking heat this week and it appears there is very little relief in the immediate forecast. In heat like that, everything is affected. Pets, kids, the elderly all need to be protected and looked after. But what about your lawn. In hot, dry summer months, your lawn can really suffer and special steps should be taken to reduce lawn stress. And with 4th of July coming, cookouts require putting your best lawn forward. Here are some lawn care tips to take the heat off your yard and make your 4th of July party great. ...