Dog Emergencies!, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers
Dogs aren’t picky when it comes to putting things in their mouths. They’ll ingest almost anything which often leads to occasional diarrhea. Diarrhea, however, might also signify a more serious health problem that might require the attention of a veterinarian. WHAT TO LOOK FOR (OR WHAT YOU MIGHT SEE) Loose stools are a primary sign that your dog has diarrhea. He might also vomit or not feel like eating. He might lose weight and feel tired. CAUSES If your dog is healthy and develops diarrhea he’s probably eaten something that’s making him sick. It could also be sign of stress ...

Doggie Doctor Bills: What Options Do You Have, Peoria, AZ – Arrowhead Pooper Scoopers
Recently a pet owner we know became overwhelmed by veterinary bills. She is the owner of 5 dogs, two of which required extensive medical care. In both cases, the medical care was after hours, at the emergency clinic. Anyone who has used this service knows how expensive it can be. In the case of this owner, one of her dogs was attacked at night when it went outside to use the bathroom in the backyard. It was attacked by an owl, or a hawk, and it lost one eye. The other eye was badly damaged by the time they reached ...