dog walking

Walking the Dog Day!, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

Did you know that 40 percent of all dogs in the United States are considered overweight? That’s 17 million dogs to be exact. In just 30 minutes a day you and your dog could be on your way to living a longer and healthier life. Here is one way to get up and get going! Wednesday, February 21, 2018 is officially known as ‘Walking the Dog Day!’ While the origin of ‘Walking the Dog Day’ is unknown the day was started by an animal lover who felt the need to get up off the couch and walk their dog Whoever ...

dog walks 20 miles

Dog Walks Twenty Miles, Twice, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

A dog in Oklahoma missed her family so much that she made the twenty-mile journey to find them twice, despite the fact that her family was unable to keep her. Cathleen, a 6-year-old Great Pyrenees mix, was living with a family outside Oklahoma City, when for unknown reasons her family packed up and moved. They were unable to keep her so she was surrendered to a family in Prague, Oklahoma, who offered to care for Cathleen until a permanent home could be found for her. Cathleen wasn’t happy with her new arrangements so she walked from Prague to Seminole, roughly ...

Phoenix Summer Heat and Dog Health, Peoria, AZ – Arrowhead Pooper Scoopers

Police in Roswell, Georgia, recently rescued two small dogs from a car while their own sat in an air-conditioned movie theatre, watching a movie. According the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the temperature inside the car was 169 Degrees, and that was with the windows slightly rolled down. The dogs began suffering from heat stroke but both dogs were lucky. Police arrived within 18 seconds, the dogs were rushed to a local veterinarian and both will be just fine. Their owner, however, has been charged with two counts of animal cruelty and she is due to stand trial in August. High temperatures in ...