dog breeds

Cane Corso — The Protector Breed, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

The Cane Corso, or Italian Mastiff, is a large breed of dog that was once highly valued in Rome where the Greeks bred them to be guard dogs. They were also quite popular in Italy where Italians would use them as companions, guard dogs, and hunters. Their name, Cane Corso, is pronounced kah-neh kor-so,and it’s derived from the Italian word, cane, meaning dog, and corso, which in Latin, means protector.   For centuries the Cane Corso lived on farms and in pastures throughout Italy but because of economic and political woes, the breed nearly vanished during the middle of the ...

German Shorthaired Pointers, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

The German Shorthaired Pointer got his start in Germany in the 19th century when the dogs were originally used for hunting. They are noble canine who were built to withstand long days fetching ducks from the lake or disrupting grouse from the field. The GSP is over course an active dog who is always looking for an opportunity to run, swim, or do anything that will burn off extra energy. This breed of dog is most likely a cross between the German bird dog and other species of German scent hounds. The English pointer may have also been bred with ...


Affenpinscher – The Monkey Terrier, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

Commonly called the “Affen” the Affenpinscher is often described several different ways including “The Monkey Terrier,” or “Ape Terrier.” The French also refer to them as “diablotin moustachu” or “mustached little devil.” Fans of Star Wars even say that the “Affen” looks like an Ewok or a Wookie. What or who do you think the “Affen” looks like? The “Affen” is a terrier breed that is small but sturdy, standing less than a foot tall in height. They were originally bred in Germany to kill rats, mice and other vermin from kitchens and stables. In fact, that’s where one of ...

A Dog Breed Once Known as the Molossus, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

The Pit Bull When you hear the words “Pit Bull” your mind automatically zeroes in on a breed of dog that is associated with danger even though that isn’t always the case. The breed that often gets a bad rap is one of the most misunderstood dog breeds in the world. It’s also the first dog to be surrendered to shelters all across the United States. Pit Bulls have been banned from cities and military institutions all across the United States though the stereotype surrounding the dogs is beginning to change, and here is why: 20 states, including Arizona, have ...

The Little Lion of the Dog Family: Shih Tzu, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

The Shih Tzu Shih Tzu (SHEED-zoo), or Chrysanthemum Dog, means “Little Lion” but this dog is far from fierce. He’s more of a lover than he is a fighter which means he’s the perfect companion for just about anyone. They’re called Chrysanthemum Dogs because of the way their hair grows up from their nose. If you’re familiar with this breed of dog, you’ll also notice that his hair grows out in every direction on his face. Little is known about where the Shih Tzu has its’ origin though it’s possible that the Shih Tzu originated in Tibet to be a ...

Multum In Parvo (A lot in a little) – The Pug, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

Multum in Parvo is the motto of The Pug, an accurate description of this small but mighty muscular breed of dog. Pugs come in several colors, including silver, apricot fawn with a black face or solid black as in the pug pictured above. They have large round head and a face that resembles that of a human expressing emotion—either surprise, happiness or even perhaps a little bit of curiosity—these delightful dogs have made wonderful companions for their owners for more than a century. The Pug happens to be one of the oldest dog breeds on record, dating back as early as ...

Breed Basics: German Shepherds, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

The German Shepherd got its’ humble start in Germany in 1899 when a man–Captain Von Stephanitz–wanted an alpha dog of sorts, a herding dog, to be exact. He traveled throughout several regions in Germany in search of the “perfect” dog(s) that he would later breed. These dogs would go on to later be used by the Germans in World War I and when the war came to end, many of these dogs returned to the United States with new owners. Let’s go back for just a moment, however, to a time before the war when those living in the United ...

canine labor day german shepherd

Canines to Celebrate on Labor Day!, Peoria, AZ – Arrowhead Pooper Scoopers

Labor Day is more than just parades, cookouts and a day off from work. It’s a day to reflect on the labor and industry this country was built on, a firm foundation our nation still stands upon. As we honor the men and women of our modern day work force, let’s not forget our canine companions. Many of them work side by side their human counterparts, often putting their lives in danger in order to protect us and keep us safe. According to the American Kennel Club, there are a number of breeds that are considered working dog breeds.  They ...