
cat owners

What Children Can Learn from Animals, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

Families that have children represent the largest demographic that happen to own at least one pet, or maybe even more. Children that live in homes with pets have much to offer when it comes to the care of their pets especially when it comes to playtime. Children can learn a lot from having an animal in the home so today we give you 10 life lessons that will carry over well into the future: 10 Life Lessons Children Can Learn from Owning a Pet One: Responsibility Pets require daily care including feeding, exercising and sometimes even grooming. Let’s not forget ...

prevent a litter

Prevent a Litter Month, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

February is National Prevent a Litter Month which means it’s time to discuss how to prevent your kitten, or cat, from bringing forth an unnecessary number of new kittens into the world. This holiday falls in February because the spring season or “kitten season,” is right around the corner. Did you know that each year more than 2.7 million healthy cats and dogs are euthanized in shelters across the country? Rather than be part of the problem, we, as pet owners should be part of the solution. While kittens are cute there are far too many cats living in our ...

cat health

National Cat Health Month, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

February is National Cat Health Month which means it’s time to give your cat that extra bit of love that they deserve! Now is a good time to make an appointment with your veterinarian in order to make sure that your cat is happy, healthy and safe at home, right where they belong! It’s also Pet Dental Health Month which means this is a good time to have your cat’s teeth examined and cleaned, all in the same visit. As mentioned above, we love our cats. We love them so much that they now outrank the number of dogs owned ...