
What Stresses Your Dog Out? – SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

Would you be able to tell if your dog was stressed out and or anxious? Most dog owners don’t believe that our dogs are able to tell us when something is wrong, but they can, and will tell us if something might be bothering them.  Our dogs communicate with us through their body language as well as their behavior but decoding that behavior is often confusing. If you know what to look for you’ll be able to determine, in the early stages, if your dog is feeling stressed. This gives you the opportunity to remove your dog from a situation ...

paid sick leave dog

Paid Sick Leave for Dog Owners, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

A woman in Italy recently asked her employer for paid sick leave in order to care for her dog. She told her boss her dog was “family” and the woman’s request was granted. The woman is an employee at Sapienza University in Rome and she lives alone with her dogs. She needed to take time off work in order to bring one of her dogs to the veterinarian for surgery. When “Anna” originally approached her employer and requested time off, she said the leave was documented as holiday pay. She became angry and decided to contact an animal advocacy group ...

dog food aisle

Confusion In The Dog Food Aisle, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

If you’re a dog owner you know what it’s like when it’s time to buy dog food.  You’re surrounded by choices on both sides of the aisle and if you’re not loyal to one brand it can certainly be overwhelming. Today we’ll talk about different types of dog food, from wet, to dry, puppy to adult. Hopefully this will clear up any confusion you may have about what to feed your dog but if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian. PUPPY FOOD— Nearly every brand of dog food on the market has a line of food ...

Spring Dangers for Pets, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

Many of us associate spring with longer days and warmer weather but for our pets it can spell disaster. Many have been stuck inside all winter and suddenly there is brand new exposure to toxins, irritants and even animals that have come out of hibernation. In honor of a brand new season we are going to discuss dangers to look out for in order to keep your pet happy and healthy during this time of year. Toys When playing with your dog be sure to use toys and that are pet friendly and don’t ever toss a stick for him ...

When Dogs Experience Pain, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

As pet owners it’s obvious when we feel pain because we have a tendency to complain about whatever it is that is bothering us. We stepped on a Lego brick in the middle of the night or maybe we’ve been working in the garden. Whatever the reason, for our pain, we are able to vocalize it everyone around us or even to the doctor if necessary. Dogs, however, aren’t so good at communicating to their owners when they feel pain but it’s clear that when we look at them, that something hurts. Even though our dogs might limp or cry ...

How to Dispose of a Dead Dog, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

We love our dogs and we treat them like family and this is just one of the reasons we hate to see them grow old, and then eventually die. As difficult as this might be to read, it’s something we should all understand if we choose to own and love a dog. In this post we’re going to discuss what one should do once their dog has died.  It’s also important to know what to do if you find a dog deceased on the road, or near your home.  We’ll also discuss what to do when your dog dies at ...

Pet Emergencies That Require Immediate Attention, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

Throughout the past several weeks we’ve talked about animal emergencies and what to do if one should happen to take place. We talked about supplies you should keep in your first aid kit, we talked about the Heimlich maneuver, and how to perform it on dogs, both big and small, and we even gave you links for pet safety classes near you. Today we are going to share with you animal emergencies that should never be ignored. As a reminder, a pet emergency is something that requires attention from your veterinarian. The care you give your dog or cat is ...

Cane Corso — The Protector Breed, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

The Cane Corso, or Italian Mastiff, is a large breed of dog that was once highly valued in Rome where the Greeks bred them to be guard dogs. They were also quite popular in Italy where Italians would use them as companions, guard dogs, and hunters. Their name, Cane Corso, is pronounced kah-neh kor-so,and it’s derived from the Italian word, cane, meaning dog, and corso, which in Latin, means protector.   For centuries the Cane Corso lived on farms and in pastures throughout Italy but because of economic and political woes, the breed nearly vanished during the middle of the ...

The Louisiana Dog- Catahoula Leopards, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

Cataholua is of Choctaw origin and loosely translated, means “Sacred Lake. The Cathoula Leopard Dog is also the only dog that is said to originate in the State of Louisiana. They are said to come from the northern part of Louisiana, near Catahoula Lake, hence the name, Catahoula Leopard Dog. It’s said that the Catahoula is a cross between the Bloodhound, the Mastiff, and the Greyhound that were all brought to Louisiana by Spanish Explorers. They were once used to track wild hogs that invaded the forests of northern Louisiana which gave the nickname “Hog Dog.”   In 1976, The ...

German Shorthaired Pointers, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

The German Shorthaired Pointer got his start in Germany in the 19th century when the dogs were originally used for hunting. They are noble canine who were built to withstand long days fetching ducks from the lake or disrupting grouse from the field. The GSP is over course an active dog who is always looking for an opportunity to run, swim, or do anything that will burn off extra energy. This breed of dog is most likely a cross between the German bird dog and other species of German scent hounds. The English pointer may have also been bred with ...


Affenpinscher – The Monkey Terrier, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

Commonly called the “Affen” the Affenpinscher is often described several different ways including “The Monkey Terrier,” or “Ape Terrier.” The French also refer to them as “diablotin moustachu” or “mustached little devil.” Fans of Star Wars even say that the “Affen” looks like an Ewok or a Wookie. What or who do you think the “Affen” looks like? The “Affen” is a terrier breed that is small but sturdy, standing less than a foot tall in height. They were originally bred in Germany to kill rats, mice and other vermin from kitchens and stables. In fact, that’s where one of ...

A Dog Breed Once Known as the Molossus, SLC, UT – Rocky Mountain Pooper Scoopers

The Pit Bull When you hear the words “Pit Bull” your mind automatically zeroes in on a breed of dog that is associated with danger even though that isn’t always the case. The breed that often gets a bad rap is one of the most misunderstood dog breeds in the world. It’s also the first dog to be surrendered to shelters all across the United States. Pit Bulls have been banned from cities and military institutions all across the United States though the stereotype surrounding the dogs is beginning to change, and here is why: 20 states, including Arizona, have ...