Ear issues in puppies and dogs are quite common and are often very painful. You might notice your dog scratching or rubbing his ears. They might be red or inflamed, or you may even notice a strange odor when your dog is nearby. If you notice discharge however, it’s a sign something is wrong with your dogs ears. Discharge is either a sign of mites, or an ear infection. An ear infection is nothing to mess around with because it will make your dog miserable. Today we will discuss the signs and symptoms of ear issues, how to treat them, and how to prevent them in the future.
Ear mites are small in size but mighty when it comes to bothering your dog. Signs of ear mites include a crusty, black or brown ear discharge that often resembles dried up shoe polish. Your dog might also scratch his head or even shake it. Treating ear mites is rather simple but talk to your veterinarian about your options. Some treatments just kill adult mites while newer treatments eliminate both eggs and larve.
Discharge coming from your dogs ears is also a sign of a possible ear infection. This discharge might look like ear wax or it might be yellow, or red/brown in color. Call your veterinarian for an appointment if you suspect your dog has an ear infection. The sooner you make an appointment, the sooner your dog will feel better. Your veterinarian will most likely prescribe an antibiotic and you’ll be given an ear wash solution to help clean out your dogs’ ears once you go home.
When you leave an external ear infection untreated, you run the risk that your dog will also develop an internal ear infection. When this happens your dog might walk in circles or possibly vomit due to an upset stomach. Once again, consult your veterinarian if you suspect your dog might be having an issue with his ears. Your veterinarian will most likely prescribe an antibiotic to treat the infection. If the antibiotic is not successful in treating the infection, your dog might need his ears flushed out. The last resort to treating an ear infection is surgery.
Ear scratching and ear discharge are caused by one of several different things. If you notice any type of odor, discharge or wax coming from your dogs ears don’t hesitate to call your veterinarian. Your veterinarian can diagnose the problem and properly treat your dog in order to make him feel better.
If your veterinarian determines your dog does not have an ear infection it might be possible that he has something else going on with his ear. Other problems associated with ear wax include:
ALLERGIES—Allergies are often caused by things in the environment such as dust mites, fleas, mold or pollen. Dogs might also have food allergies to certain ingredients such as fish, soy, or beef. One dog was reported to be allergic to human dander.
POLYPS—A polyp is a growth in the ear, a variation of a tumor. Call your veterinarian if you suspect your dog might have an ear polyp.
EAR WAX—Ear wax is easy to treat. Your veterinarian will flush out your dogs’ ears and send you home with ear wax solution.
WATER IN THE EARS—Water in the ears is caused by excessive bathing or excessive swimming. If left untreated, water in the ears can lead to an ear infection. Keep your dogs’ ears clean and dry after swimming will help prevent an infection from starting.
Thank you to pets.webmd.com for their help in writing this post. See their website for more information on keeping your dog happy and healthy.
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